
2022 Feb 20

Notice of Changes in Terms of Use for Sail

Thank you for using Sail.

Helte Co., Ltd. will make some changes to the Sail Terms of Service as of February 28, 2022.

Major changes

  • In order to make it easier to understand the provisions regarding the use of services after a user who is using services based on a corporate contract has resigned from the corporation, etc., it has been clearly stated that this is not limited to cases where the user has resigned from the corporation, but also includes cases where the user no longer belongs to the corporation (Article 3, Paragraph 9).

  • In order to make it easier for users to use our services with peace of mind and comfort, we have added items that are prohibited when using our services, and clarified the contents. (Article 5, Paragraph 1, Item 5, Item 6, Item 17, Item 19, Item 20, Item 21)

Please see below for details of the changes.

After February 28, 2022, please refer to the Terms of Use posted on the website.

Details of the changes

*The underlined parts have been changed.

Article 3 Account Registration

Before change

9. If the Corporate Contract is terminated or Corporate Users resign from the Corporation, Corporate Users shall not be able to use the Service unless they individually conclude a separate contract with Helte.

After change

9. If the Corporate Contract is terminated, or if Corporate Users no longer belong to the Corporation, such as by resigning from the Corporation, Corporate Users shall not be able to use the Service unless they individually conclude a separate contract with Helte.

Article 5   Prohibitions

Before change

1. Users shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the Service:

(1) Violation of laws and regulations or public order and morals;

(2) Criminal acts;

(3) Destruction or obstruction of the function of the server or network of Helte;

(4) Behavior that may interfere with the operation of the Service;

(5) Collection or accumulation of other users’ personal information;

(6) Impersonation of other users;

(7) Direct or indirect provision of benefits to anti-social forces in relation to the Service;

(8)Input or registration of false information when using the Service;

(9) Actions that cause or may cause trouble, disadvantage or damage to other users, third parties or Helte;

(10) Advertisement, promotion, or solicitation involving other users;

(11) Actions that infringe or may infringe on the intellectual property such as copyrights, privacy, personal rights, or other rights of other users, third parties, or Helte;

(12) Use of the Service without concluding a separate use contract after Corporate Users leave the Corporation;

(13) Any behavior that is or may be offensive to public order and morals or in violation of laws and regulations;

(14) Conversations between users by methods other than directly using the Service;

(15) Use of the Service for commercial purposes;

(16) Acts that involve any exchange of money between users; and

(17) Any other acts that Helte deems inappropriate, such as violent, sexual, and harassing acts.

After change

1. Users shall not engage in any of the following acts when using the Service:

(1) Violation of laws and regulations or public order and morals;

(2) Criminal acts;

(3) Destruction or obstruction of the function of the server or network of Helte;

(4) Behavior that may interfere with the operation of the Service;

(5) Advertisement, distribution, or solicitation of the Service in an inappropriate manner, such as using falsehood or fraud;

(6) Registration of a third party’s Account (excluding cases where a parent or guardian of a minor registers an Account on behalf of the minor and cases where the Corporation registers an Account for Corporate Users);

(7) Collection or accumulation of other users’ personal information;

(8) Impersonation of other users;

(9) Direct or indirect provision of benefits to anti-social forces in relation to the Service;

(10) Input or registration of false information when using the Service;

(11) Actions that cause or may cause trouble, disadvantage or damage to other users, third parties or Helte;

(12) Advertisement, promotion, or solicitation involving other users;

(13) Actions that infringe or may infringe on the intellectual property such as copyrights, privacy, personal rights, or other rights of other users, third parties, or Helte;

(14) Use of the Service without concluding a separate use contract after Corporate Users leave the Corporation;

(15) Any behavior that is or may be offensive to public order and morals or in violation of laws and regulations;

(16) Conversations between users by methods other than directly using the Service;

(17) Use of the Service for commercial or for-profit purposes, and commercial or business activities using the Service;

(18)Acts that involve any exchange of money between users;

(19)Use of information obtained through the use of the Service (including but not limited to the Registered Information of other users) for purposes other than the use of the Service;

(20) Acts that violates these Terms or are contrary to the purpose of the Service; and

(21) Any other acts that Helte deems inappropriate (including, but not limited to, violent, sexual, and harassing acts).


▼Our Vision
Paving the way for a vibrant and harmonious future

▼About us

At Helte, our vision is to “pave the way for a vibrant and harmonious future.” In order to make that vision a reality, we are developing Sail—a global communication service in Japanese that connects Japan to the world—in collaboration with people from academia, government, the private sector, and various industries, who share our ambition.

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