
2021 Nov 02


1. About Sail

Sail is a Japanese global communication service that connects seniors in Japan with fans of Japan around the world through video-based conversations in Japanese on its proprietary app.

Your computer, smartphone, or tablet becomes a portal to Japan!

2.Who are using Sail

▼International People

The Sail community consists of people from various backgrounds with different goals, including those who are passionate about Japanese culture and the Japanese language, as well as those who are learning Japanese with the hope of working in Japan. The number of foreigners using Sail has grown dramatically since 2019 and is still trending up. There are around 3.6 million (*1) Japanese learners around the world today who are learning the language at public institutions, a figure that is on the rise.

People around the world who are learning Japanese have limited opportunities to practice conversational Japanese, and any chance for them to converse with native Japanese speakers is especially valuable. Sail has users from 128 different countries, and its userbase is continuing to expand.

▼Japanese people

Sail’s registered users include many middle-aged individuals and seniors, including those who are looking to interact with others as well as those who wish to share more about Japanese culture or their own experience and knowledge. Since users can interact in Japanese on Sail, many registered users have never interacted with people from overseas and enjoy Sail as a new form of day-to-day entertainment. We have also received feedback that Sail has helped to stamp out discrimination against foreign workers, and we believe that the app will have a positive impact on forging a cosmopolitan awareness.

In addition to individual users, more and more companies and organizations are starting to adopt Sail as part of their programs. Sail has been used by companies as part of their social initiatives, such as their SDGs initiatives, and by local governments as a new ICT-based program for communities that have experienced disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sources:(*1) The Japan Foundation, “2015 Survey Report on Japanese-Language Education Institutions Abroad”

3.How to use

3-1. Find our App and website here

IOs users please Click here

Android users please Click here 

Also you can use Sail via google chrome Click here 

3-2. Easy to start!

For more information, please check our service page

4.Trendy topics on Sail

People usually talk about

  • Trips, culture and food of Japan.
  • Famous Japanese Animations and TV series.
  • Why do International people learn Japanese 
  • Working in Japan
  • Life in Japan
  • Introduction of home country 
  • Seasonal topics 

Let us Sail away on a meaningful journey of Japanese communication.


▼Our Vision
Paving the way for a vibrant and harmonious future

▼About us

At Helte, our vision is to “pave the way for a vibrant and harmonious future.” In order to make that vision a reality, we are developing Sail—a global communication service in Japanese that connects Japan to the world—in collaboration with people from academia, government, the private sector, and various industries, who share our ambition.

Our Service Page
Our SNS 

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