Sailやさしい日本語ブログ「山の日は何ですか?」What's 山の日?
(English follows Japanese)
日本で一番高い山は、富士山です。富士山の他にも美しい山がたくさんあります。登山家の深田久弥(ふかだ きゅうや)は登った山から100の山を選んで、『日本百名山(にほん ひゃく めいざん)』という本を書きました。山登りをしない人でも読んでみると面白い本です。
What's 山の日?
In Japan, August 11 is 山の日-Mountain Day, a national holiday. 山の日 is a new national holiday created in 2016. 山の日 was created as a day to love mountains and appreciate their bounty.
There was a plan to make August 12th a national holiday in order to make it a long consecutive holiday with the Obon vacation. However, August 12th was the day of a very serious airplane accident in Japan. Therefore, we decided to make the 11th a national holiday instead of the 12th.
The highest mountain in Japan is Mt. Fuji, and there are many other beautiful mountains in Japan. The mountain climber Fukada Kyuya selected 100 mountains from among those he had climbed and wrote a book titled Nihon Hyakumeizan (One Hundred Famous Mountains of Japan). Even if you do not climb mountains, it is an interesting book to read.
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