Sail道しるべ ~これからSailをはじめる方へ~[International User] Sail日本語
はじめまして!Welcome to Sail!
Free trail good for 10 conversations Now!
1. Sailとは? ~日本の人との交流をみてみよう!
Sail(せいる)は、日本ファンの世界中の人々と、豊かな経験知を持つ成熟した日本のオトナのための、日本語でのグローバル・コミュニケーション・サービスです。Sailのサービスだけで、会話(かいわ)の予約(よやく)から 実際(じっさい)の会話まで、簡単(かんたん)に行(おこな)うことができます。
Sail is a Japanese global communication service that connects seniors in Japan with fans of Japan around the world through video-based conversations in Japanese on its proprietary app.
Your computer, smartphone, or tablet becomes a portal to Japan!
2. Sailを使(つか)っている人は どんな人ですか?
The Sail community consists of people from various backgrounds with different goals, including those who are passionate about Japanese culture and the Japanese language, as well as those who are learning Japanese with the hope of working in Japan. Sail has users from 128 different countries, and its userbase is continuing to expand.
Sail’s registered Japanese users include many middle-aged individuals and seniors, including those who are looking to interact with others as well as those who wish to share more about Japanese culture or their own experience and knowledge. Since users can interact in Japanese on Sail, many registered users have never interacted with people from overseas and enjoy Sail as a new form of day-to-day entertainment.
3. Sailの使い方(かた) ~Easy to Start~![]()
For more information, please check our service page
4. Sailでどんなことを話しますか? Trendy topics on Sail
- 日本の人のふるさとの観光地、グルメを聞きましょう。
- 自分の国の観光地、グルメを紹介しましょう。
- 日本の季節の話
- 天気、行事
- 日本の好きなところ
- 趣味
- Trips, culture and food of Japan.
- Famous Japanese Animations and TV series.
- Why do International people learn Japanese
- Working in Japan
- Life in Japan
- Introduction of home country
- Seasonal topics
5. Sailの利用料金(りょうきん) How much?
We would like to offer you our free trial good for 3 conversations! 3回無料会話をできます。
Also, if you want to enjoy unlimited conversations, please check here.
What's more, right now we are giving special offer for those who register during December 2021! We would like to offer you our
free trail good for 10 conversations
If you are interested, please sign up Sail firstly and share your mail address in the form.
6. Free online meetup Cafeさくら
CafeさくらはSailに登録(とうろく)している 世界(せかい)の人(ひと)たちが 集(あつ)まるZoomの会です。
やさしいにほんごを使(つか)って、日本語(にほんご)や日本文化(にほんぶんか)、日本のニュースについて 話(はな)します。日本語を話せなくても、ぜひ、参加(さんか)してください。日本語を聞(き)くだけでも いいです☺英語(えいご)や あなたの国の言語(げんご)でchatできます。
12月のテーマ/開始時間(かいし じかん)
12/3「JLPT N3」6:00~/13:00~ (JST) [完了]
12/10「メキシコについて話そう」 10:00~/13:00~ (JST)
12/17「ひらがな・カタカナ」 6:00~/13:00~ (JST)
12/24「2021年の日本のニュース」 6:00~/13:00~ (JST)
▼Our Vision
Paving the way for a vibrant and harmonious future
▼About us
At Helte, our vision is to “pave the way for a vibrant and harmonious future.” In order to make that vision a reality, we are developing Sail—a global communication service in Japanese that connects Japan to the world—in collaboration with people from academia, government, the private sector, and various industries, who share our ambition.
Our Service Page
- Sail Website - for Japanese
- Sail Website - for International
- Sail Facebook - for Japanese
- Sail Facebook - for International
- Sail Instagram - for Japanese
- Sail Instagram - for International
- Sail Youtube Channel